This Sunday’s NSW Women’s 1 grand final between Macarthur Rams and Football NSW Institute will be streamed live from Lambert Park via www.footballnsw.com.au/events.
This is a first for women’s football in this state.
Football NSW have teamed up with Central Coast company VPA Productions to provide a live stream option which will showcase NSW’s best female footballers.
Football NSW will have expert commentary from Adam Santarossa and NPL NSW Womens 1 writer Nikola Pozder on duty calling what will be the biggest match in the women’s football calendar in NSW this year.
Kick-off between Macarthur Rams and Football NSW Institute from Lambert Park in Leichhardt is at 4:30pm. Live Streaming will commence approximately ten minutes earlier.
Football NSW Media Manager Mark Stavroulakis was excited about the prospect of streaming the big match live this Sunday.
“This is an ideal opportunity to present to not just the people of NSW, but Australia and the world the talents our female football stars poses.
“Female football is coming through leaps and bounds and what better way to continue on with the promotion of the sport by streaming the biggest match in our NPL NSW Women’s 1 competition between two highly talented sides.
“Football NSW will continue to look for innovative ways to deliver content to our football followers for the good of the game as well as the growth and development of our sport.”
Enquiries: www.footballnsw.com.au