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The South West Voice wants to become a truly great Macarthur online newspaper, and for that we need your help.

Because it’s impossible for us to be everywhere in Macarthur, we invite you to join us in informing our audience of everything that’s going on in the great south west region.

So, please send us your junior sport match reports or details of the next meeting of your community group. Or you think you may know of an important story we should report on. Maybe you have read an article in the Voice and you have more information about it. Well, we’d love to hear from you about that, too. Email Eric or Post your Comments on Facebook article or use the Message option as well.

How do you tells us? Easy. You choose how to do that, so go for what communication method you are most comfortable with, telephone or SMS (ring editor Eric Kontos on 0417 022 970), email for all editorial or advertising matters.

Don’t forget that our site is completely interactive and you can comment on any article published there. But keep it clean and civilised please, because we won’t publish abusive comments.

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