There are just three candidates to choose from when Campbelltown votes this Saturday, March 18.
All three are outstanding candidates in their own right and I think it will be difficult to choose between Labor’s Ben Gilholme and the two independents, Josh Cotter and Gary Potts.
Gilholme and Cotter represent the future of Campbelltown as they are both young, 25 and 23 respectively.
Both were born and bred in Campbelltown; both are working locally as well.
Personally I would not have a problem with either of them on council.
There’s a good argument that with 15 seats on the council a couple of youthful voices would provide a better mix.
And I do like that Ben Gilholme and Josh Cotter come armed with ideas on how to make our place even better than it is.
Gilholme, who is the son of two parents with disabilities, has a vision of Campbelltown becoming a city that people with disabilities can call their own.
A city that is inclusive by providing the facilities people of disabilities need to live their lives in the same way as the rest of us and have the same opportunities as everybody else.
And Cotter, the son of immigrants, is passionately keen to contribute so he can repay the debt to the country and the community that gave his parents so many opportunities.
Gary Potts may be a little older at 47, but it also means he has a lot more experience than the young Turks he’s up against.
And having thought of running myself on one or two occasions – as a lot of journalists do after covering politics – I believe around 50 is the perfect age to run for office.
It means that you have had a career away from politics, and gained lots and lots of experience along the way.
Potts is also standing under the banner founded by the late Fred Borg, Totally Locally Committed.
We are voting this Saturday because Cr Borg’s death created a vacancy on the council.
Gary Potts was number three on the Totally Locally Committed ticket last September when general elections were held.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]What a twist of fate that would be if he wins on Saturday and replaces Borg, his former mentor, and becomes the first Aboriginal representative on Campbelltown Council.[/social_quote]
His connection to Fred Borg is why some people say he should be the sentimental favourite for Saturday’s election contest.
After interviewing all three, I was just proud that we have such good people willing to serve their community.
♦ If you haven’t yet read the interviews, click here for the Gary Potts interview.
For the Josh Cotter interview click here.
And click here for the Ben Gilholme interview.