Hop on down to Mawson Park this Saturday, April 8, and join in the fun of a good, old-fashioned Easter egg hunt.
Campbelltown City Council will host the hunt, from 10am to 1pm, and children and their families will be invited to follow a trail around the park to enjoy the free activities, including games, arts and craft, story time and a visit from the Easter Bunny.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr George Brticevic, encouraged families to come along, saying it was a great way for children to get outside, and get active, while having a lot of fun.
“In addition to the Easter Egg hunt, there will be an egg and spoon race, sack races, arts and craft, and storytime.
“Families will also have the opportunity to meet, and be photographed with the Easter Bunny, so be sure to bring your camera,” he said.
Easter egg hunt places are limited, so please arrive early to ensure your chance to participate.
Activities for children this Easter also include:
• A free Easter Fun workshop at the HJ Daley Library on Monday, April 10 from 11am to midday, giving children aged five to 12 the opportunity to decorate foam eggs and personally design their own Easter bag to carry them home in. Bookings, available from today, Monday, April 3, are essential by calling 4645 4444.
• The Easter Eco Hub at Macarthur Square, outside Target on Level 2, from Tuesday, April 18 to Friday, April 21, from 11am to 2pm. Children and teenagers will learn how to make recycled art from every day household items, including boxes, paper, milk and juice cartons, plastic bottles, plastic containers, jars and cereal boxes. The free workshops are hosted by the Macarthur Centre for Sustainable Living, in partnership with council.
• The Friends of Campbelltown Arts Centre’s annual Easter egg hunt and workshop on Sunday,
April 9 at Campbelltown Arts Centre. Activities will include a workshop where children can make Easter baskets and cards, and decorate an egg, before a hunt for chocolate eggs in the Sculpture Garden. There will also be face painting, drinks and ice blocks for the children. Cost is $10 per child, and bookings are preferred by calling 4645 4100 or in person at the Arts Centre.
Visit the council website link here for more information about the Mawson Park Easter egg hunt activities.