The Olympic Games start this Friday, and while we wish everyone taking part the best of luck it’s hard to shake the feeling that it should not be going ahead.
You’ve got to feel for our friends the Japanese people, who it seems have been let down by their politicians and sport administrators, who have one eye on the mighty dollar.
It’s just going to be excruciating for us, trying on the one hand to get behind our Aussie athletes, while on the other praying that they will be safe from the virus.
Here at home we have a stack of challenges, not least with the rate of vaccination.
Low jab levels are even worse closer to home here in the South Western Sydney region, especially in Fairfield and Liverpool.
But at least the Canberra mob have now realised they stuffed up the vaccination by being too controlling over the rollout.
Unfortunately, they are now playing catch up and the country suffers as we resort to lockdowns to control the spread of the virus.
People are suffering, trying to live without pay, and there’s no end in sight.
Of course life goes on, whether it’s the Olympic Games or local council elections here in NSW on September 4.
These were postponed for a year in 2020, and then we thought things would be a lot better in 12 months.
But as Japan has found out, we now know that this pandemic isn’t going anywhere just yet.
However, a little more than a month out from the council elections and nothing’s been said about plans to hold them safely.
You’d think there would have been a contingency plan to go online, which would be the safest way possible.
It would also have been a good practice run if that’s the way we want to vote in the future – from the comfort of our own homes.

Gladys is trying hard to do the best she can, but after the limo driver saga and the Ruby Princess affair it’s hard to escape the thought that we are indeed run by mediocre people. And don’t start me on the lack of quality at local government level.
Yes, there have been exceptions over the years.
But right here, right now, when you look beyond NSW to South Australia and Western Australia and the other states and territories, and, let’s be fair, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the late Donald Horne’s words in The Lucky Country ring as loud and true as ever: “Australia, a lucky country run by second rate people.’’
What a great article :-)