As women’s sport grows in popularity it would be interesting to see in which ones the “girls’’ are just as good as the “boys’’.
Many loyal readers will know that when I’m not wasting an afternoon away reading Tolstoy’s War and Peace or checking out an art exhibition, I’m in front of the idiot box watching a bit of sport.
Any sport, actually, thanks to the greatest invention ever – for blokes – the TV remote control.
We men aren’t really interested in what’s on at any given time; no, we’re really interested in what else is on in TV land.
So you flick to the various channels, catching a bit of the women’s big bash cricket, a minute of netball, move on to a men’s cricket match somewhere in the world, and, well, you get the picture.
Not putting myself up there as a fully qualified expert, more your garden variety armchair critic really.
But as you watch a lot of sport, including women’s sport, it’s not hard to see that when it comes to some games, the women are just about as good as the men.
Don’t know about you, but here’s my Top 5 women’s sports:
Number 1. Soccer or football, however you want to call it. Women’s football is indeed a thing of beauty, very graceful both on its build up and in the climax when that round ball pushes the net out as far as it can stretch.
Number 2. Cricket. Again, the women don’t suffer much in comparison with the men’s game and their skills, both batting and bowling, are superlative in some cases.
Number 3. Basketball. Not one of my personal favourites as a sport, but when it comes to the women playing it, wow.
Number 4. Rugby. A bit of a surprise, but I have really enjoyed watching women playing either rugby league or union. They seem to enjoy the tougher aspects of the game such as the tackling, too.
Number 5. AFL. Here’s a bold prediction: women’s Aussie Rules is headed for huge success in the next few years because this game was made for them. The men just got in first, as usual.