When Lucy Turnbull, the chief commissioner of the Greater Sydney Commission, launched the draft regional plan for a global metropolis of three cities on the weekend, she called for feedback.
“I encourage the people of Greater Sydney to review this draft plan and provide us with their comments.
“Feedback will be integral in the development of a final plan that meets the needs of current and future generations,’’ Mrs Turnbull said.
Well, the Prime Minister’s wife has got her wish, at least from some of the leaders of the proposed “western city’’ from Penrith to Campbelltown and with Western Sydney Airport at its heart.
The critics point out that while massive population increases are guaranteed as part of this draft plan, what’s not is the public transport infrastructure, especially rail.
The plan talks of “investigation’’ of rail options 10 and 20 years from now.
Federal member for Macarthur Dr Mike Freelander points out that without a commitment to such infrastructure, the “western city’’ will not achieve key aims such as jobs no more than 30 minutes away from where people will live, .
“This plan is anything but a win for Macarthur, yet again we have been put at the bottom of the pile,’’ he said.
“Our area has been waiting too long for the infrastructure it desperately needs.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“We need a rail link between Leppington and Badgerys Creek by the time the airport opens and we need land held for the North-South rail corridor.[/social_quote]
“This plan is just another demonstration of more talk and no action.
“Enough is enough; we need action now not in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years,” Dr Freelander said.
The Greater Sydney Commission plan has allocated a Greater Macarthur Priority Growth Area which will see the addition of more than 30,000 new homes from Glenfield to Appin, but it provides no concrete commitments to improving the infrastructure, particularly public transport, for the region.
There is no commitment to a rail link to Badgerys Creek Airport or the North South rail link.
These rail lines have been marked for mass transit investigation over the next 10 years.
“Recent changes to train timetables, lack of parking at railways stations means my constituents spend over 90 minutes travelling to work now,’’ says the federal member for Werriwa Anne Stanley.
“As the home of the Western Sydney Airport, we need relief and we need it now.
“South West Sydney deserves better,” Ms Stanley said.

The population of Campbelltown and Camden are set to nearly double by 2026 but there will be no new infrastructure or public transport to meet the desperate needs of the Macarthur region under this plan.
“How many announcements and press releases do we need before the government actually gets its act together and starts building the infrastructure we need,” says Greg Warren, the member for Campbelltown.
“We don’t need another glossy brochure – we need proper, detailed plans and the funding to actually deliver the infrastructure and services the Macarthur region needs.
“Whether it’s the Badgerys Creek rail link, Spring Farm Parkway, Appin Road or any of the countless other infrastructure projects our region needs, the NSW Government has failed to deliver the infrastructure we need, and this Greater Sydney Regional Plan is no different,” Mr Warren said.
Greater Sydney Commission is an independent agency responsible for leading metropolitan planning for Greater Sydney.
Mrs Turnbull said the draft plan was “not government policy, however it was developed in collaboration with a range of State agencies and councils so that the delivery of new housing and jobs can be supported by transport and local infrastructure.
“This draft plan is built on a vision where the people of Greater Sydney live within 30 minutes of their jobs, education and health facilities, services and great places, the commission’s chief commissioner said.
“The vision seeks to meet the needs of a growing and changing population by transforming Greater Sydney into a metropolis of three cities – the Western Parkland City, the Central River City and the Eastern Harbour City.

“As the population of Greater Sydney grows to 8 million over the next 40 years, with almost half of that population residing west of Parramatta, this rebalancing will leverage that growth and deliver the benefits more equally and equitably across Greater Sydney.
“Residents will have quick and easy access to jobs and essential services, housing will be more affordable and the environment and precious resources will be protected,’’ Mrs Turnbull said.
“Importantly, infrastructure will be sequenced to support growth and delivered concurrently with new homes and jobs.
“Having three cities will put workers closer to knowledge-intensive jobs, city-scale infrastructure and services, and entertainment and cultural facilities.’’
Anoulack Chanthivong, the state member for Macquarie Fields, is not convinced the commission’s plan is the way forward.
“Once again, the Berejiklian Government’s spin machine is out of control,’’ he says.
“No plan for a 30-minute commute in Sydney is complete without considering the necessary infrastructure to support the Western Sydney Airport, and that includes a rail link.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“South West Sydney is already taking the full brunt of urban sprawl by an overzealous Liberal Government hell-bent on developing everything in its path.[/social_quote]
“With thousands of new homes being built each day, our community can’t wait any longer for supporting infrastructure.
“It’s time for action now – not in 2056,’’ Mr Chanthivong said.
Again the Greater Macarthur Area misses out on the infrastructure required to best take advantage of the Western Sydney Airport and sourrounding employment zones.
As they say in the movie,The Castle. Tell them they are dreaming if Mrs Turnbull thinks the residents of Camden and surrounds will get to work in 30 minutes as it now takes an hour to get from Camden to Campbelltown in peak time. Without rail to these areas all are condemned to a lifetime of wasting hours of productive time in a car but this Coalition Government will never get our of the eastern suburbs and all spending will be to make them more comfortable and the workers who produce the wealth can buy a new car every few years to be comfortable as they drive to work. Only a change of government will give the western suburbs any chance of a good public transport scheme.
Yes it’s a disaster but a change of government won’t fix it.