Local sporting organisations thinking of applying for the State Government’s Sport and Recreation Events Program (SREP) have until January 30, 2015 to do so.
The SREP is open to sports organisations looking to stage international, national or community events in NSW in 2015.
Applications for the SREP are assessed against the projects objective, need for the event, capacity of the organisation to deliver the event, cost effective budget and the benefit of the event in the long and short term.
Under the SREP eligible organisations may apply for multiple event types with the maximum amount available to any one organisation being $30,000 in a financial year.
Grants are capped at:
• $30,000 for international sporting events;
• $15,000 for national championships; and
• $10,000 for community events.
Applicants must also contribute 50 percent or more to the staging of the event, which may include “in kind” support.
“I encourage all local organisations to make use of this fantastic opportunity and get their applications in before the end of January,” said Melanie Gibbons, Member for Menai.
“Grants such as the SREP are important in attracting bigger and better sporting events to the local area.
“This will help to bring more people and therefore benefits for our local businesses, restaurants and hotels.”
For more information or to apply for the grant, visit www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/grants or phone 13 13 02.