The school holidays have started and you don’t know what to do with the kids?
Well, no need to fret, there are heaps of local activities available through your local council.
Campbelltown City Council’s Spring School Holiday Program is, as always jam packed with activities of all types.
Some of the most popular activities will be in the Campbelltown arts centre and in council’s libraries.
The arts centre offerings include:
NIDA @ Campbelltown: Screen Acting Boot Camp over three days, Wednesday to Friday, September 24-26, 10am-4pm. Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your performing confidence as you develop skills in improvisation, character and script work. Tutor: Facilitated by NIDA Open. Cost: $340 (incl GST), ages: 8-11 years or 12-15 years. Bookings: Through NIDA Open online at www.open.nida.edu.au or phone 9697 7626.
Deck Designs and Street Art: Fridays (September 26 and October 3), 2-4pm. Draw, design, stencil and paint your own skateboard deck. Check out the pop art-esque and low brow works of contemporary Indonesian artist Uji Handoko Eko Saputro (aka Hahan) or the work of acclaimed artist and freestyle skater Shaun Gladwell, creating contemporary art using street and skate culture.
Tutor: David Hawkes, cost: $50 (two sessions; includes skate deck and all materials) Ages: 10+.
HJ Daley Library has PJ Storytime on Thursday, October 2 when kids can attend this special storytime in their pyjamas! Teddies are welcome! 6.30-7.30pm, ages: 3-10 years, cost: Free.
Eagle Vale library says come and decorate your own Piñata for your next party, on Thursday, September 25, 11am-12noon, ages: 5-12 years cost: free. Another activity there is a magic show on Monday, September 29, between 10.30-11.30am, ages: 5-12.
For a full listing of all Campbelltown area activities and details how to book a place, go to:
For activities in the Liverpool area, go to: