Let me introduce to you the versatile apple cider vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar
Benefit claims: Apple cider vinegar

Do you know the health benefits of apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar has so many health and general household applications, says psychologist and author MARGARET LAMBERT, that you will want to ensure that you always have a bottle of it in the cupboard.

Both anecdotal evidence and some research studies show numerous beneficial results from using apple cider vinegar (ACV).

Because of its antibiotic properties, ACV has many applications in assisting bodily functions and healing, but there are many additional applications for this versatile product.

The following list is not exhaustive of the benefits of ACV but will provide you with some ideas on how you can use ACV for your health and also around the home.

A standard drink of one to two tablespoons of ACV with one glass of water can help many conditions as listed below. You can sweeten the mixture with a teaspoon of honey and/or add some drops of lemon if you like, or you can add the ACV to juice in place of water.

♦ Do NOT drink ACV undiluted as it can cause burning in the oesophageal tract.

1. Sinus drainage. Drink whenever you feel sinus build up or congestion.

2. Tummy upset. Use ACV mix to help settle an upset tummy.

3. Improve metabolism. ACV has been found to improve digestion and the body’s metabolism. It is also reported to be an appetite suppressant and many people have found it useful for weight loss.

4. Lowers Cholesterol.  There are reports that by taking ACV mix daily, you can lower your cholesterol level.

5. Sore Throat. A stronger mix can be used for gargling to help relieve a sore throat. Mix equal parts water and ACV and gargle throughout the day.

6. Cleaning and Disinfectant. Due to its antibiotic properties, ACV can be used to clean any surface of the home including polishing the wooden furniture! Mix equal parts vegetable oil and ACV for furniture polish and removing stains. For porcelain, use equal parts mix of ACV and water. For more stubborn spots, use ACV undiluted or combine with bicarb soda.

The best ACV to drink is raw, unfiltered and unprocessed vinegar, which is brownish in colour and often appears to contain sediment – this is known as “the Mother.”

For cleaning purposes however, white vinegar or any type of ACV can be used.

When we use ACV in the various ways, we are not only helping our state of health and leaving the sparkling touch around our home, but we are also helping our planet by using natural products over harsh chemicals.

Until next time…


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