The Greens candidate in the seat of Macquarie Fields, Mary Brownlee, takes up the invitation from the South West Voice to tell voters why they should support her this Saturday:
There is a lot to do in the community of Macquarie Fields to create equality and access to services.
1. Better Public Transport – The Greens have announced a fully costed $4.5 billion transport plan for NSW to improve affordability and accessibility and make it easier for people to get to their destinations.
2. Supporting public education funding – We need to protect and build up our public education system in NSW. We need to fight for high-quality and accessible childcare services, schools, TAFEs and universities. The Greens are fully committed to achieve these goals.
3. Protecting public assets – we need to stop the privatisation of our electricity network. In our local area there is enough disadvantage and struggle without having to pay increased costs for consumers using electricity that is more costly. Privatisation leads to job cuts and more disadvantages.
4. Sustainable development – keep the community needs at the heart of urban planning to promote sustainable development in and around Campbelltown.
5. Making sure we work for a fair society – The Greens have a direction in social justice areas to introduce measures that redress the imbalance of wealth between rich and poor. The Greens will be loyal to this important direction in their Charter.
I will always seek to listen to you and help you. We can achieve all of this necessary change together.