So, my fellow quiet Australians, it looks like Scott Morrison, barring any unforeseen accidents, will be the first PM to go the distance since John Howard.
And I think we should give thanks for that, because the last 10 years we have looked more like a banana republic than the powerhouse country everyone wants to live in.
Our population is now more than 25 million and growing, despite efforts to slow down the pace of new arrivals.
But it hasn’t just been the prime ministerial revolving door that’s dented our international reputation; we have also indulged in bit of first world debating that has mostly been a waste of time.

A strong prime minister would have been able to shut down such public arguments but as we all know, and with all due respect to Malcolm, Tony, Julia and Kevin, they weren’t up to the task.
Not many people would agree with me, but I do believe that they were all removed from office prematurely because they didn’t have what it takes to be a great leader of our country.
It may have looked like just treachery on the part of those who plotted their downfall, but history will show that it was the right thing to do for the sake of the country.
Time will tell about Scott Morrison, but for me none of the four mentioned above can be included in a Top 5 Prime Ministers list.
This following list is drawn from the Prime Ministers I have lived under, which is kind of unfair on the likes of Ben Chifley and John Curtin, but them’s the rules, folks.
So it is drawn from Robert Menzies to John Howard, both of whom are in my personal hall of fame.
Number 1. Paul Keating. Yes, I can sense the murmur of dissent, however this is a personal list and I truly believe he was the Placido Domingo of Australian politics. Alas, 1996 happened.

Number 2. John Howard. His era now seems like the golden years, at least up until 2004.
Number 3. Bob Hawke. Great, but if you take Keating’s contribution out not so great. But still great enough for a list like this.
Number 4. Harold Holt. Wasn’t in the big chair for that long before tragically drowning – we assume – but perfectly modern after the man in number 5.
Number 5. Robert Menzies. A long, long innings of steady as she goes, which is what the country needed after World War II.