Liverpool Council will pull out all stops in a bid to win an express train service between Liverpool and Sydney City.
Speaking at council’s November meeting last night, Liberal councillor Mazhar Hadid said the service between Liverpool and the city was now slower by more than 10 minutes than it was when the railway line was electrified decades ago.
“This is about fixing up things after 30 years of neglect in Liverpool,’’ Cr Hadid said.
“This is not a political move, this is for the people of Liverpool, who have been neglected for so many years.
“It’s now our turn to get what we need.
“It’s our time to deliver to the people of the south west,’’ Cr Hadid said.
Tabling a notice of motion calling on the State Government to provide an express train service, Cr Hadid said he had been talking to the premier of NSW, Mike Baird only a day earlier.
“I told him what we wanted because I believe to advocate on behalf of the people of Liverpool is my duty to do so.’’

Cr Hadid, who is the Liberal Party’s Liverpool candidate for the March state election, essentially tipped a bucket on sitting member Paul Lynch, but without mentioning his name.
Mr Lynch has been the state member for Liverpool for 20 years.
Cr Hadid’s plan, which received majority support when put to the vote, also calls on council to circulate a petition advocating for an express train service between the city and Liverpool.
His plan notes that with the opening of the south west rail link next year more services will be arriving in the Liverpool CBD.
“We want to end 30 years of neglect, starting with better train services for Liverpool,’’ Cr Hadid said.
“We are making a start.’’