MP Bryan Doyle has welcomed Campbelltown listed as a Regional City in a NSW Government strategy titled A Plan for Growing Sydney.
“It was one of my goals to have Campbelltown recognised as a regional city to help with delivering jobs closer to home and I am pleased that our beautiful city has finally be given this recognition,” said the state member for Campbelltown.
“After extensive consultation, A Plan for Growing Sydney’ reflects our ambition for the greatest city in the world,’’ he said.
“The Greater Sydney Commission will now start work in partnership with communities and local councils on local plans for Sydney’s regions.”
For Campbelltown this includes:
Work with council to retain a commercial core in Campbelltown-Macarthur, as required for long-term employment growth;
Work with council to provide capacity for additional mixed-use development in Campbelltown-Macarthur including offices, retail, services and housing;
Support health-related land uses and infrastructure around Campbelltown Hospital;
Support education-related land uses and infrastructure around the University of Western Sydney;
Work with council to investigate potential business park opportunities on the western side of the train line;
Work with council to improve walking and cycling connections to Campbelltown and Macarthur train stations from the western side of the train line;
Work with council to improve walking and cycling connections between Campbelltown Hospital and Queen Street.

“The job has only just begun. We’re going to start work today along with councils and the Greater Sydney Commission to help those who have made Campbelltown home get the most of this part of Sydney,’’ Mr Doyle said.
To sign up to have a say on Campbelltown’s future, locals can visit www.planning.nsw.gov.au/sydney.