Residents of Green Valley and Liverpool are invited to a free film screening and barbecue this coming Thursday, April 30 at the Miller Community Centre.
The 1973 Peter Weir film Whatever Happened to Green Valley will be showing at 4pm sharp with a Q&A session afterward.
Director Peter Weir went on to make some iconic Australian movies, including Gallipoli with Mel Gibson.
Whatever Happened to Green Valley provides a good historical account and insight into community life, needs and opportunities and shows how life has changed since 1973.
The film and post-screening discussion will focus on community strengths, social inclusion, community pride and addressing the stigma associated with the area.
This event is hosted by Community STaR (Service for Training & Research) in partnership with the 2168 Resident Action Group, the Community 2168 Project and the 2168 Food for Life Market.
WHAT: Whatever Happened to Green Valley;
WHEN: 3.45pm for 4pm sharp start, Thursday, April 30;
WHERE: Miller Community Centre, Miller Square (opposite the HUB).