Well, it’s official – the world’s largest halal snack pack is 100 metres long, a mark achieved right here in Campbelltown just before 3pm this afternoon as part of the Fisher’s Ghost festival.
Hundreds of people, locals and visitors to our fair city, lined up at the tables where the combination of hot chips, meat, cheese and sauces was constructed into the traditional snack pack by scores of smartly dressed King Kebab House staff.
The food started coming out at 2pm and the delicious smells wafted up and down Queen Street.
It must have been hard to resist for anyone who hadn’t eaten lunch, but their patience was eventually rewarded when the mayor, George Brticevic, declared the attempt a success at the 100 metres mark.
That was the signal for everyone to hook in and sample the delicacy that people from all around Sydney drive to Campbelltown to eat.
The South West Voice got a thumbs up from everyone we asked how good it tasted, so there’s another milestone.
Mevlana Cifci, the owner of King Kebab House in Queen Street, came up with the idea of a record attempt utilising one his fast food store’s most popular items.
Over coffee he convinced the mayor, pictured below, to come on board for what would be one of the great highlights of this year’s festival – if not the highlight.

And indeed it was.
Queen Street this afternoon was abuzz with anticipation of a Guinness Book of Record entry – and knowing everyone would be rewarded at the end of it.
Another beneficiary is Campbelltown Hospital, with donations sought from those present.
But in the end the big winner was Campbelltown and its annual festival.
“This is a wonderful initiative, just fantastic,’’ the mayor, Cr Brticevic said, summing up what everyone else was thinking.
One final thought: it’s probably ideas like this that may just be what our annual festival needs to stay relevant and popular well into the future.