The Member for Macquarie Fields, Anoulack Chanthivong, has called on the Baird Government to come clean on its plan to drastically hike public transport fares, labelling them “cruel and unfair’’.
Mr Chanthivong says local commuters will have to pay 48 percent more for a train trip from Glenfield to Central Station under the proposed increases.
Following more than 1,000 community and stakeholder submissions, the Baird Government has asked the independent regulator IPART for an extension of time to approve higher public transport fees.
This is despite the Government having almost four months to respond to the draft proposal.
Mr Chanthivong said the release of the proposed new fare structure by the Baird Government late last year had sparked outrage amongst local commuters, with many facing train fare increases of up to $959 a year.
He believes the Baird Government is simply buying time so that it can develop a slick spin campaign using valuable taxpayer dollars to trick public transport users facing significantly higher fares.
“With virtually zero real wages growth, and the ever-increasing cost of living, commuters in my electorate cannot possibly tighten their budgets any further.
[social_quote duplicate=”nos” align=”default”]“The Baird Government’s 48 percent proposed increase to transport fares is unfair and cruel.[/social_quote]
“Slugging commuters with 48 percent higher fares will not solve Sydney’s transport woes or improve public transport service times.
“Our local roads are already congested, and yet the Liberal Government would rather have commuters join the queue and drive into the city at snail’s pace than catch public transport.
“It simply doesn’t make sense,” Mr Chanthivong said.
The local MP said that this issue was an example of how the Liberal Government was demonstrating that they don’t understand the needs of his electorate, “nor do they care’’.
“Why should local commuters pay 48 percent more for a trip into the city when the Baird Government has failed to improve services at Macquarie Fields Station and failed to deliver a lift?
“All we want is our fair share and a fair go.
“A 48 percent increase is unfair and unjustifiable,” Mr Chanthivong said.