More than 100,000 local drivers get demerit point back

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It comes as no surprise that so many motorists in outer South West Sydney are beneficiaries of the demerit point return trial.

Across NSW 1.2 million drivers qualified for the demerit point reward for maintaining a clean record for 12 months – more than 100,000 of those in our neck of the woods.

Data broken down by local government area shows 22,353 motorists in Campbelltown,18,699 in Camden, 35,233 in Liverpool and 26,966 in Fairfield have had a demerit point wiped from their driving licences.

Now the demerit point return trial has been extended for a second year, which is more good news for local motorists.

The fact is that out this way, more people rely on their cars to get to work every day than just about any other part of the metropolitan area.

But this trial is a reward for safe driving, so that’s a big factor here, too, as our MPs pointed out when responding to the big numbers of local drivers who have benefitted so far.

“Earning the removal of a demerit point can mean a lot, especially to motorists who rely on their cars to drive the kids to school or to get to work,” says Greg Warren, the member for Campbelltown.

“It’s great to see drivers rewarded for their safe driving. Our community knows how important road safety is and this program is driving that message home.

“With the demerit point return trial extended for another year, let’s keep the momentum going and ensure we’re focusing on driving safely every day.”

The member for Liverpool, Charishma Kaliyanda also focused on the safety factor in the trial.

“The overwhelming majority of motorists in the Liverpool electorate rely on their cars for jobs and transport. This trial keeps safe motorists behind the wheel,’’ she said.

“I know road safety is a huge concern for many in South Western Sydney.

“This trial not only encourages safe driving practices locally, but rewards those doing the right thing on our roads,’’ Ms Kaliyanda said.

Driving is the only option when travelling to work or simply carry out daily life for most people in his electorate, says the member for Leppington, Nathan Hagarty.

“The demerit point return trial is a well-deserved acknowledgment of their efforts. This trial recognises and rewards our safe drivers,’’ he said.

“By extending this trial, we’re ensuring that our community in Leppington continues to benefit from safer roads and the rewards of responsible driving.’’

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