Ann Selle developed the prototype of the breast cushion and set it up as a Zonta project through all districts of Australia.
On Wednesday, July 24, Ms Selle will be the guest speaker at the Zonta Club of Macarthur Inc dinner.
The cushions are provided to women and men undergoing treatment in hospital for breast cancer.
Ms Selle will talk about a current initiative to obtain breast cancer nurses in Sri Lanka.
Cost to attend the dinner (6.45pm start) at Wests Leagues Club, Leumeah is $30.
Contact: 9605 7007 or 9605 6051 to book your place.
Volunteers are needed to help Zonta Macarthur members assemble birthing kits to assist women in developing countries have a safer childbirth and to help sew and wrap breast cushions for Macarthur women undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
The working bee, pictured above, for this great cause will be held at Wests Tennis Club, Leumeah on Saturday, July 27, 1pm to 3pm.
Since 2005, the Zonta Club of Macarthur has sent 7,000 birthing kits to developing countries near Australia.
The club has also distributed more than 1,700 breast care cushions to assist local women.
For more information contact Yvonne on 9605 6051, June on 9605 7007, Rhonda on 0412 392 714 or email macarthur@zontadistrict24.org
Entries to the annual Threatened Species Art and Writing Competition will open on Monday, July 22.

Entries will be accepted until August 23 and the competition is open to children up to the age of 12.
Entries require artwork or creative writing which features an endangered plant or animal from the Macarthur region.
An award ceremony will be held for the winners at the Australian PlantBank at the Australian Botanic Gardens Mount Annan on September 5 to coincide with National Threatened Species Day.
For more information visit: campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/CouncilandCouncillors/AnnualEvents/ThreatenedSpeciesArtCompetition.
Hope Spencer, a local physiotherapist, is asking local residents to support her Positive Pain Project in the My Community voting process, which closes on August 15.
Funding will go to those projects that get the most support, and Ms Spencer is hoping hers is one of the winners.
“My idea is to be able to provide chronic disease and pain management programs which focus on exercise and education to the community with the cost fully subsidised by the grant money,’’ she explains.
Successful projects can get up to $200,000 in funding from the state government.
Voting is online via https://mycommunityproject.service.nsw.gov.au – all you needs is a MyServiceNSW login and Medicare Card to vote.
While there, readers can check out the details of local projects they can vote on, including the one by Ms Spencer.
Justice Crew will headline Campbelltown’s first ever music festival for young people with disability on August 18.
They will perform alongside Ironic Circus, Under Wraps, Chris Sebastian, Rudely Interrupted and Ash n Bodo.
Ironic Circus, Under Wraps and Rudely Interrupted all have members with disability.
Festival attendees will also be wowed by the amazing aerial wheelchair rotation act of Macarthur region’s own Paralympian, Paul Nunnari.
Council have lifted the youth age bracket for the Light up Your Night session to include participants up to 30 years of age in response to the high number of enquiries from people aged 25-30.
Feel the Beat will be held as two sessions on August 18:
Over the Rainbow – 12 to 17 years from 2pm to 4.30pm;
Light Up Your Night – 18 to 30 year olds from 6pm to 10pm.
There will be Auslan interpreters, hearing loop accessibility, online print at home ticketing, controlled noise levels, no strobe or flickering lighting, quiet zones, a sensory zone and noise cancelling headphones available.
Tickets are just $10 and are now on sale via Council’s website.
Wirrimbirra Sanctuary near Bargo will host Breakfast in the Bush on the first Sunday of both August and September.

At just $10 each, breakfast will be available from 9am to 11am.
This will be the perfect opportunity to enjoy a country
breakfast, wander the bush tracks and check out the native animals and plants.
Bookings appreciated by calling 4684 1112 – or just come on in.
Also coming is one for the diary: Saturday, August 31 (9am-3pm), the annual Wirrimbirra Sanctuary plant sale with big discounts on native ginger, golden gravel wattle banksia, midgenberry, callistemon, lilly-pilly, melaleuka and much more.
The annual Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation, women’s trust luncheon will be held on Friday, August 9 at Wests Leagues Leumeah.
This promises to be
another wonderful afternoon soiree full of surprises, fundraising, laughter and
All funds raised will go towards the purchase of P-Pods for Campbelltown
Hospital’s Paediatric Loan Pool.
Visit the foundation website here for more details and to book your place.

One of Australia’s favourite storytellers, Kate Forsyth has sold more than 1 million books worldwide and is an accredited master storyteller with the Australian Guild of Storytellers.
In 2015, she won the American Library Association Award for Best Historical Fiction for her novel Bitter Greens and is a five times Aurealis Award winner.
Kate Forsyth will discuss her latest historical fiction, The Blue Rose and what motivates and inspires her at a free author talk in Campbelltown on August 21 from 2.30pm at HJ Daley Library, Campbelltown. Light refreshments will be served.
Contact the library to book your places or go to the council website.
Campbelltown Council is calling on the community to get behind its push for the 2019 RED25 Local Councils Blood Challenge.
The challenge, which runs from July 1 to 30 September, pits councils against each other in a competitive effort to secure 25 per cent of Australia’s blood donations for 2019.
Council has arranged two dates per month to donate blood at the Bunnings Campbelltown Mobile Blood Bank and will provide volunteer leave to all staff who are donating.
To get involved call 13 14 95 or visit donateblood.com.au/red25/joining-a-group. If booking online select Campbelltown City Council NSW RED25 as your group.