Invent time machine to avoid longest election campaign in history

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time machines, an invention still to come
Time machines come in all shapes and sizes, even if they really don’t work.

Do you ever imagine what life would be like if we hadn’t invented things like electricity and the telephone?

The internal combustion engine, aeroplanes, television – the list is longer than the average arm.

Some inventions are thousands of years old but there’s no doubt that most of the major ones have happened in the last 500 years or so.

From remote controls to chainsaws, we humans are making our lives easier and easier compared to previous generations.

But what about the inventions that didn’t quite make it and remain the stuff of dreams – do you ever think, gee, that would make life interesting!

Here’s our Top 5 inventions still to come:

Number 1. So many books have been written and movies made about time machines for us to know that, well, it’s sheer fantasy, but if it wasn’t what a hoot it would be to have one. We could, for example, fast forward our lives for about eight weeks and go straight to polling day, July 2.

Number 2. Nothing really beats the time machine but wings made of wax for some reason just didn’t, well, take off. Maybe that dude Icarus just didn’t know that wax melts if you get too close to a heat source like the sun.

Number 3. The onesie for adults. The odd idiot persists but we should be grateful this invention has died a quick fashion death.

Number 4. A rugby league ball that’s programmed to bounce the right way for the NSW Origin team. Wouldn’t Laurie Daley love one of them!

Number 5: Men who always know what to say to women or about women. Sorry, but this is one invention that is just impossible, at least for some men. You know who they are: the ones who would be dangerous if they had any brains.







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