When a man with an OAM after his name jumps up and down (see picture) and makes you an offer surely it’s one of those you just can’t refuse. If the same man is the Wiz of Macarthur, Steve Wisbey, the dude who will do almost anything for a good cause, well, you know what you gotta do all you good people of our great community.
So, here’s the deal: The annual Clintons Toyota Christmas in July luncheon at Camden Valley Inn on Friday, July 24 is now officially sold out. But wait, there’s more: It’s not too late to be in with a chance to net a brand new Toyota Corolla. Only 300 tickets will be sold at $100 a ticket and all the money goes to Disability Macarthur, a fantastic local organisation which supports more than 500 local families.
“It’s a great cause and thanks to Clintons Toyota this is our third car giveaway so that’s pretty exciting,’’ said a very excited – what else – Wisbey OAM.
“The lunch may be sold out but I’m happy to take calls all day long to sell the last 180 car raffle tickets to supporters and I’ll even post them to you!” Tickets are available directly from the Wiz on 0429 122 557. Credit cards or EFT are most welcome to win a brand new Toyota Corolla Ascent Sport 5 speed manual.
♦ Word around the region is that Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun has his eye on a federal seat for the next election, likely to be next year. The seat Mannoun is apparently interested in is Macarthur because it may pick up a big chunk of Liverpool LGA in a redistribution that’s under way as we speak. The ambitious Mannoun, who is in his early 30s, may end up having a fight on his hands from the current MP, the very popular Russell Matheson, who was mayor of Campbelltown five times.

♦ Talking of politicians, new and old, it was good to catch up with old mate Geoff Berry, the former Campbelltown chamber of commerce president and Geoff Corrigan, once upon a time the MP for Camden. We ended up in Saam Thai in Dumaresq Street for what’s becoming an annual reunion combined with a lunch to celebrate Mr Berry’s birthday. We try to get son Sean Berry along, but the Channel 7 reporter is usually too busy to join the old buggers.
♦ Working in disguise as a photographer for the South West Voice last Sunday at the races at Tabcorp Menangle was financial guru Jason Danjoux. Not that long ago Jason started his own company, Your Life Financial Services, but he’s always had an interest in photography. Here’s some of his work from the races below:

♦ At Park Central’s Gloria Jeans for coffee this week, we bumped into an old print colleague, David Ball and his better half, Liz. We exchanged details and he emailed me the following note later that night: “It is amazing how often one bumps into people from the past. I have subscribed to your South West Voice and had a look at it. It looks very good. I dug out The Liverpool Champion of 14th August 1996 to make sure it was the Champion that I wrote in and there was my life story in print. I finished my career in the paper industry with the Weekly Trading Post and retired not long before it closed as a print paper. The web is the way of the future.’’