In its State of Play Strategy 2016-2036, Campbelltown Council identified Midlothian Reserve, St Andrews as a suitable location for a new district park.
The strategy recommended the creation of a district park at Midlothian Reserve in three to five years.
But as local MP Anoulack Chanthivong points out, it has been six years since then and nothing has happened.
The Macquarie Fields MP has now called on council to get on with it and create the much needed district park for the residents of St Andrews and adjoining suburb Bow Bowing.
When he launched a campaign for the park earlier this year, the petition was signed by more than 160 residents.
It has now been sent to Campbelltown Council, which has included it in the business paper for the August meeting to be held next Tuesday night.
“Ratepayers in St Andrews and Bow Bowing rightly expect council to adhere to the recommendations of the State of Play strategy and build quality play spaces for local families,’’ the MP said in his letter to council.
Mr Anoulack’s letter attached unedited comments from local residents who signed the petition.
They included the following:
“We desperately need a good park.’’
“We need more parks and less housing. Do it for the kids.’’
“This would be great for families in this area.’’
“I have three young kids who would love this park.’’
“This would be a great asset for the local community.’’
I would love an upgrade of the park.’’
“District Park in Midlothian Reserve is urgently needed.’’
“We have to drive to Ingleburn for a good park.’’
Mr Chanthivong said the overwhelming response to his campaign and the petition “highlighted the importance of parks and recreational activities for local children’’.
A district park would serve both St Andrews and Bow Bowing residents, whose suburb is east of old Campbelltown Road.
Pictured above is St Andrews Park, not far from Midlothian Reserve.