Camden Council is giving motorists 50 good reasons to stick to 50 kilometres per hour on local streets – and the biggest one is road safety.
In the Camden area, on average, 26 people are injured in speed related crashes on local streets ever year.
Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, says there is a level of confusion in the community surrounding speed limits on local roads.
“In 2003, the RMS made the default speed limit on urban roads across the state 50 kilometres per hour, unless otherwise signposted,” Cr Fedeli said.
“There are a number of streets across the Camden area where the speed drops from 60, 70 or 80 kilometres per hour, down to 50 on side roads, with no signposting of the speed limit change.
“Many people may not be aware but signpost road speed signs are not the responsibility of Camden Council, but we’re looking at ways to raise awareness and cut confusion.
“In the coming weeks you’ll see advertising on buses, our waste trucks, reminders on social media, receive information in the mail, and you’ll be hearing it spruiked in my weekly mayoral messages.
“The message is simple – slow down,’’ Cr Fedeli said.
“When turning onto any local urban road without a speed sign, the speed is 50.
“If you’re unsure, keep your speed to 50 just in case.
“You’ll be far better off late than sorry.”
For more information about local speed limits, visit https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/safety-rules/road-rules/speed.html