There’s a very good reason the mother of Liam Keats is chuffed her 11 year old son has received a Grey Wolf award at 1st Camden Scout Group.
As Nyree Keats points out this is an extremely rare award for a cub to obtain.
“But what makes it even more significant is that Liam has learning difficulties,’’ says Ms Keats.
Liam joined the scouts late in 2019 and less than 12 months later as a cub scout he has impressed everyone with his progress.
However his mother says a lot of it is to do with how the scouts program provides for an inclusive, individual approach to every child.
Or as Liam’s scout leader, Paul Turner, says, “what we look for is their best, not our best’’.
“The major benefit of being in the scouts is that as part of the program we focus on each individual child’s ability,’’ says Mr Turner, who is pictured above with cub Liam Keats.
“We never discuss any disability – the way we look it is if they do their best, they shine.
“So we can have kids on the spectrum, learning at their own pace and becoming high achievers.’’
Nyree Keats says she volunteered the information about Liam’s abilities when he was first joining the scouts.
“I told them that he took a bit longer to process information, and that’s when I found out it’s all about his ability.
“I am really happy about the decision to join the scouts, because it’s such a good environment for Liam.

“Being in the scouts helps them develop life skills, which kids often don’t get these days.
“We enjoy the idea of Liam learning life skills and survival skills, learning to cook a meal for himself, that sort of thing,’’ says Ms Keats.
The scouts have given Liam a lot of confidence and self esteem in just 12 months, and his mum was so happy she wanted to share the story with others who may be in a similar situation.
“Where he doesn’t fit the mould in traditional school or the education environment, the scouting model has allowed him to be a leader and achieve this rare award,’’ she says.
“I think this is extremely encouraging to any child who struggles in school and shows them there is environments where you will succeed.’’
As for Liam, he says he has loved his time with the scout cubs and is looking forward to being a scout in 2021.
“I have really enjoyed it so far,’’ says the Grey Wolf winner.
If you’d like to join 1st Camden Scout Group, they are on Facebook and accept both boys and girls, from the age of five up.