How about royal commission into government spending priorities

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If Albo is looking for another reason to call a royal commission, I’ve got one for you, Prime Minister.

Why is that all our governments, federal, state and local, never seem to find money for the things that matter.

You know, things like hospitals, doctors and nurses.

And then there’s building safer roads – why is it taking decades to completely duplicate the Pacific Highway between Sydney and Brisbane for example.

The problem with pot holes on local roads is on another level.

What about our schools, especially out here in the outer suburbs, where some of our kids are sitting in demountable classrooms, often without air conditioning.

How about that, PM: a royal commission in where the bloody hell is taxpayers and ratepayers’ money going.

Is it possible that the politicians, and the fat cat bureaucrats, have got their priorities completely wrong for, like 120 years?

Imagine a family that budgets to spend its money on holidays first and then has to scrape the bottom of a barrel to feed itself – that seems to be the order of priorities for governments.

Which reminds me, did we really need to spend a whopping $830 million on a footy stadium in the eastern suburbs – well, you know the answer to that.

Imagine how many hospital beds that could have paid for or how many roads could have been made safer.

The money is there, we all know that, so where is it all going, Prime Minister?

Surely tax revenue is collected mainly to provide for essential services like hospitals, police and schools.

In any case, I am taking a punt there won’t be a royal commission so instead here’s a Top 5 of where money can be saved and redirected to more important things.

Just five, mind you, from possibly hundreds of areas of waste.

Number 1. Embassies in foreign countries. They must cost a bomb, so why do we have to have one in every capital in the world in the internet age.

Number 2. On the same theme, foreign travel. There is just no need for this, just have a zoom meeting instead, saving a motza.

Number 3. Why do we pay such huge salaries to the fat cats in the public service. What’s the point of calling it public service when some of these people become millionaires after a few years sitting in their big chairs and their main task is to protect their own job.

Number 4. We mentioned sport facilities above, but we’re not against them. But only after essential services have been provided at a satisfactory level.

Number 5. The politicians, God bless them. Too many of them and not enough good ones. Change is required asap.

1 thought on “How about royal commission into government spending priorities”

  1. Agree wholeheartedly.
    Same with local government who are raking in more rates each year with the many developments in our area but spend it on more office and
    Staff and bells and whistle projects. Seems no real plan nor effort to repair and fix our local bridges and roads.


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