It’s arguably the biggest eyesore in Campbelltown’s main street, and it’s located just a few metres north of the council administration building.
But the little cottage on 51 Queen Street has been unoccupied since council sold it and the South Western Sydney Academy of Sport had to be relocated to the other end of Queen Streer around two years ago.
The unidentified owner has allowed the grounds, front and back, and the driveway, to turn into an unsightly mini jungle in the heart of Campbelltown.
But now the owner will need to respond because Campbelltown Council has acted quickly since the eyesore was brought to its attention by the South West Voice.
“I can confirm our team are in touch with the owner,’’ a council spokesperson told us earlier today.
“We have a process that’s triggered when we receive a complaint or enquiry about the state of a privately owned property, where our Community Response Officers get in touch with owners to remind them of their responsibilities,’’ the spokesperson said.
Campbelltown Mayor Darcy Lound, who has previously highlighted the need for the town to look trim and neat, has reminded everyone to get on board with the importance of how the town looks to locals and visitors.
“We value the presentation of our city centre, and it’s been a big focus for us to improve the amenity and appearance of Queen Street in recent years,’’ he said.
“As residents or property owners we all have obligations to keep our properties clean, tidy and safe.
“We encourage all landowners in the city centre to do their part and make sure their properties are well maintained, so that our city remains one our residents are proud of, and our visitors want to spend time in,” Mayor Lound said.
Driving up to Macarthur Square (from Narellan Road),on Kellicar Road can’t help but notice the state of the middle of the road plus left hand side of the road next to the foot path. The whole area has been neglected for so long. Grass is over grown and a lot of rubbish lying around. Could the council please tidy it up.
Council needs to have a good look at the ENTIRE town not just the centre. BROUGHTON St is an absolute mess beginning at the lights at Moore St and continuing until the house proud people live up near Waminda Ave. It is disgraceful and a blight upon the area.
While council are at it, they should to do something about the old house next to MacDonald’s. Being choked in vines, it has been in in a miserable state for years.
It seems that council is negligent at best or simply do not care at worst, about maintaining the historical buildings around our otherwise wonderful LGA. It is time for council to invest dollars in what we have already and and bring back to life our history, rather than continue spending on digging holes and working on white elephants such as the Billabong Parklands.