Better support for real estate consumers will be a big part of the job of Property Services Commissioner.
The NSW Government says it will soon name the person to fill the new role, expected to be someone who is an expert in the real estate industry.
Minister for better regulation and innovation Kevin Anderson says the new Commissioner will join the Property Services Expert Panel and is the next step in the government’s commitment to supporting the property and real estate sector while restoring public confidence in the industry and the regulator.
“I am determined to properly support the property services industry which employs over 37,000 people and contributes $100 billion to the NSW economy,” Mr Anderson said.
“We are taking the same successful approach we did for the building and construction sector with the appointment of the Building Commissioner.
“We want to see a well respected industry expert take the lead and make the case for reform, while actively supporting consumers and ensuring best practice, modern regulation of the property sector.”
The Commissioner will be responsible for ensuring a strong, vibrant property sector, which is responsive to the needs of property services professionals and ensures the highest compliance and professional standards for the benefits of consumers.
“Consumer protection is at the forefront of our agenda and we know the property sector supports this objective as well,” Mr Anderson said.
“We will be tasking the Property Services Expert Panel and the Commissioner with making recommendations to the government on how we can improve and streamline services delivered to the property services sector and consumers by the regulator NSW Fair Trading.
“This is a critical sector of our economy and it’s important the regulation of the property services sector is modern and fit for purpose. This appointment will be a substantial step forward in delivering for consumers, businesses and employees.”
The NSW Government is currently finalising the recruitment process which is expected to commence later this month.