Five years ago, in the 2013-14 financial year, there were 982 active businesses in Camden, Camden Park and Camden South.
In the 2017-18 financial year that number grew to 1,196 active businesses.
Of these new businesses, 93 were registered in Camden, Camden Park and Camden South, 70 at Mount Annan and 43 at Elderslie.
Fuelled by construction and retail growth, 193 new businesses started up in the past three years in Narellan and Narellan Vale.
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor is thrilled with such figures.
He says more than 1,000 new businesses opened in his electorate during the 2017-18 financial year.
Visiting a newly opened community service provider in Camden, Creating Links, Mr Taylor congratulated manager Matthew Richards on setting up locally.

Growth: Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor, centre, with the team at Creating Links at Camden, one of 93 new businesses which have opened locally in the past 12 months.
“The rate of new business growth around Camden, Mount Annan and Narellan is a clear indication of the confidence in the local economy,” Mr Taylor said.
“With construction booming and major infrastructure investment locked in across the north of Hume, there will be strong flow-through to the services sector. It’s what we want to see.”
Mr Richards said population growth in the Camden region would bring more new businesses to town.
“The expansion of the universities into the region and the Western Sydney airport is a major boost for Camden and Western Sydney’s economy,’’ he said.
“As a result of that, Creating Links decided to bring our services into the region – which include NDIS, Child & Family services, Aged Care and Youth services and Out of Home Care,” Mr Richards said.
Creating Links employs 140 staff across three locations at Bankstown, Faulconbridge and Camden and is currently advertising for casual NDIS and Aged Care staff.