Dear Santa, OK, I am ready with my wish list for Christmas 2016.
First of all, I am sorry this is so late, but it just couldn’t be helped.
Secondly, let me assure you I’ve been a good boy all year and any blemishes were trivial.
As always, I will understand if you can’t deliver everything I ask for, what with the heavy burden you carry every year.
It’s just as well you have all those other deputy Santas helping out with some of the things you have to do, like having photos taken with a billion kids or two.
Santa, I hope you have a good rest after Christmas, put your feet up and watch the Test cricket with the pink ball. It should be a hoot.
I have again made my wish list a Top 5, so thank you in anticipation.
Number 1. Can you give Australia a Donald Trump because we too need to shake things up Down Under, there’s just so much dead wood on our tree.
Number 2. If at all possible, can you stop all the wars around the planet, Santa, because there are so many poor refugees without a country already.
Number 3. What about global warming, Santa, can you turn the temperature gauge down a degree or two.
Number 4. Some people on Earth are starving, but the rest of us are becoming obese. No, not you, Santa, you’re just well rounded.
Number 5. This is probably a bit hard Santa, but if you can help deliver an NRL premiership to the Tigers we’d be mightily grateful.