Chris Patterson, the state member for Camden, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Camden Chamber of Commerce.
This will be held on Wednesday, October 1, at Enzo Italian Restaurant in John Street. For more informati0n and for bookings go to the chamber’s website, www.camdenchamber.com.au
*The next Liverpool Chamber of Commerce meeting will be a special event to hear all about the NSW Maritime and Roads’ Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan.
With huge growth on the way, as well as the western Sydney airport in Liverpool’s backyard, infrastructure looms as one of the biggest issues in the region.
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 8, from noon at the Liverpool Golf Club. For further enquiries and to register to attend, go to: www.liverpoolchamber.org.au
*Next Wednesday, September 17, 6 for 6.30pm, the Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly meeting at Camden Lakeside.
Guest speaker will be senior manager Simon Rountree, currently of Camp Quality and previously with high profile organisation such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Starlight Children’s Foundation.
He will speak about how he succeeded in increasing revenues and staff at his current posting, where he has been since 2000, while decreasing the administration costs.
Enquiries and to register your booking go to www.campbelltownchamber.com.au