The Liverpool district men’s shed has finally got a permanent home.
It’s at 31 Shepherd Street, Liverpool, and will be officially opened on Saturday, December 13, from noon.
There will be a ribbon cutting, an opportunity to take a tour, meet some of the members and find out what the Men’s Shed is all about and how to get involved.
Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun said that he was pleased to officially launch this exciting new facility and welcomed the community to join the celebration.
“I encourage anyone looking to get involved in the men’s shed to come along to the launch and find out more about the many inclusive projects and activities on offer,” he said.
“Councillor Tony Hadchiti was instrumental in bringing forward to Council a need to identify suitable premises for a Liverpool based men’s shed.
“We are delighted that an outcome of this process is that Liverpool now has its very own top class facility.”
The members of the shed have worked in partnership with council to get this important facility up and running with a refurbishment of the building recently completed to get it up to operational standard, the mayor said.
Liverpool District Men’s Shed president Alvan Freeman said that securing the new premises was a substantial milestone for “as it’s the first facility like this in the local area.”
“Liverpool District and Moorebank Men’s Sheds have been working collaboratively for a number of years to find a permanent facility and we have finally broken new ground by being granted suitable premises with the assistance of council,” Mr Freeman said.
Men’s Sheds are an important initiative seeking to address issues relating to men’s health. The Men’s Shed movement initially emerged to respond to the need of breaking social isolation for men, particularly for those who have retired or are living alone.
They create a positive social environment for men to make connections with other like-minded men where they are also encouraged to talk about health issues – something that is generally harder for men to do.
A barbecue lunch will be provided for those who attend the launch. To find out more about the Men’s Shed or to RSVP for the launch, please contact Ian Crosbie by Thursday, December 11 via email liverpoolmensshed@gmail.com or 0451 135 911.
For more information please contact Council’s Community Planning Co-ordinator on 1300 36 2170 or visit www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au