When I mentioned to a friend that I was preparing a wedding speech as the father of the bride, this genius suggested I go for a Top 5.
You know, like my top five tips on how to make it a successful union and all that.
My initial reaction was that if I was fair dinkum it would have to be a top five of things not to do.
As the song says, like most people, I’ve done all the dumb things over the years.
And yet here we are 39 years later and still she who must be obeyed (thank you, Rumpole of the Bailey) still puts up with me.
When you tell some people how long you’ve been married they think saying ‘you get less for murder’ is a funny response.
I even know people who say they believe you shouldn’t be married for more than a set period, say 20 years.
All that – and I know this is a serious issue – yet our gay friends are fighting hard to have the right to marry.
But that’s another issue for another time.
Here’s my Top 5 tips to make your marriage last boys and girls:
Number 1. Even if you’re right when you’re having an argument with the missus, apologise for being wrong, boys.
Number 2. Girls, take the leash off him now and again.
Number 3. Girls, some things never change: the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Number 4. Boys, even if your wife says she doesn’t want flowers or gifts, get them for her. As often as possible.
Number 5: Make each other laugh.