A notice of motion calling for relief from road tolls has won support across party lines at Liverpool Council.
Labor councillor Nathan Hagarty’s motion calls on the State Government to consider a range of measures to alleviate the financial burden of the new tolls on the M8 and M5 East, including a cashback scheme, a grace period or scrapping the latter toll altogether.
Cr Hagarty did change the wording of the motion to delete a reference to “toll mania’’, a phrase used by the premier, Gladys Berejiklian at the opening of the M8.
He says there’s widespread community anger, especially about the imposition of a toll on the old M5 East section and the non availability of cashback.
“The community response has been overwhelming,’’ Cr Hagarty said after his motion received unanimous support at the council meeting last Wednesday.
“Residents and local businesses are furious with the State Government for this greedy cash grab,’’ he said.
He also wants the public, neighbouring councils and local State and Federal MPs and to get behind the campaign.
“If you’re as angry as I am about this, call, write and email your local MPs and tell them what you think and about this lousy decision,’’ he said.
“The more voices we get on board, the more likely it is the State Government will reverse this terribly unfair decision,’’ he said.
Speaking during the debate on his motion, Cr Hagarty said motorists should be given the opportunity to try the new section of the M8 first before deciding whether to use it on a permanent basis.
“Try it first before imposing a toll,’’ he said.
“There should be a grace period.’’
He said the toll on the old M5 East could not be justified.
“There’s been no upgrade, it’s an old road, but there’s a new toll on it.
“There will be no cashback applying and the toll will go up four percent every year. It should be scrapped.’’