The networking groups of Liverpool (ConnectFX, 4N, BNI, SWNG, SWSBEC Liverpool, Humanize and Liverpool Chamber of Commerce) with the support of the NSW Business Chamber and Liverpool City Council, have combined forces to present Networking@night.
Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun will be a special guest speaker and he will provide a brief update about what’s happening in Liverpool.
Networking guru, Jen Harwood, of Direct Incite will also give those attending some great networking tips.
The brief keynote address will be followed by the very popular “60 second soap box” segment which gives those attending the opportunity to raise the profile of their business and present directly to the audience about their business, recent successes, current promotions or offers.
Soapbox Segment

The 60 second soap box segment is already full for August at Casula, however you can add your name to the waitlist if you wish by contacting Kerrie-Anne McLeod, kerrie-anne.mcleod@nswbc.com.au or 0457 797 504.
When: 5.15pm for 5.30pm – 7.30pm Thursday, August 21.
Where: Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, 1 Casula Road, Casula.
Cost: Free to attend
Parking available on site.
Canapés and soft drinks provided.
How to register:
Call 13 26 96 or Book Online