Liverpool City Council is seeking feedback from the community about renaming part of Moorebank east of Nuwarra Road, following a number of requests from residents to consider a new name for this part of the suburb.
“At the 27 August 2014 meeting, Council resolved to write to residents in Moorebank east of Nuwarra Road to consult with them about a possible suburb name change based on a number of requests we had received from local residents,” explained Mayor Ned Mannoun.
“The residents concerned have now received this letter.
“Council can consider changing the name of part of an existing suburb due to the size of the suburb itself,’’ he said.
“This is an area that is already large and is growing rapidly with the new marina and Brighton Lakes development.
“At this stage we are just putting the idea to residents, and based on the results we receive we will make a decision about whether we proceed with an official exhibition of name. As such, I encourage residents to have their say online via our Liverpool Listens forum or in writing, and if in favour of the name change, vote for their preferred option.”
Residents are being asked to respond to the following:
a. Would you be supportive of renaming the area of Moorebank east of Nuwarra Road?
b. If so, which name would you prefer the suburb to be called:
i. Nuwarra
ii. Nuwarra Waters
iii. Georges Waters
iv. Other – please specify
Georges Fair will not be considered as council and the Geographical Names Board of NSW do not support the use of estate names, and there are areas that are not within the Georges Fair Estate Development that would be included in the suburb renaming, including the Brighton Lakes residential development.
Residents can log on to Liverpool Listens, where they must register and complete an email confirmation: www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/liverpool-listens or make a submission to the CEO including the reference number 2009/0812 posted to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or emailed to lcc@liverpool.nsw.gov.au
How about Penskeville?