After coming to Campbelltown recently to meet and talk with local koala crusaders, Simon Reeve realised there was a bigger story going on with the iconic native animal.
Reeve, an Australian television presenter and journalist, embarked on a mission to learn as much as he could about koalas and why they are under threat of extinction.
In Campbelltown he spoke to Barry and Pat Durman, the representatives of many years standing of the Macarthur branch of the National Parks Association.
The Durmans are regulars at Campbelltown Council meetings where they take to the microphone to argue the case for koala corridors in new housing developments.
“After talking to us, Simon set out to visit other koala habitats around the state,’’ says Pat Durman.
Simon Reeve has now produced a film called “Koalas the Hard Truths” which looks in documentary fashion at the plight of koalas and the humans who care for them.
It will be shown on June 22 in parliament house for NSW politicians and members of the public.
Then it will be screened here in Macarthur on Monday, July 4.
“We hope to get as many people along to see this film as possible,’’ Mrs Durman said.
The evening, put together by Pat and Barry Durman, who joined forces with Save Sydney Koalas, will include several keynote speakers after the screening of the film.
The federal member for Macarthur Dr Mike Freelander will be among them, as will Campbelltown MP Greg Warren, Saul Dean from the Total Environment Centre and Kate Lee, a local koala carer.
Barry Durman will also speak on behalf of the National Parks Association.
Also, members of the public who attend and are interested in taking part in short bush walks around the Campbelltown area will be able to register for them on the night.
Lakeside Golf Club Camden is the venue for the July 4 screening, which will start from 7pm. Anyone coming on the train can catch a bus from Minto station.
Register for the screening here.