Strong koala protection provisions are a vital part of the draft Wilton Growth Area Development Control Plan (DCP), which is currently on public exhibition.
The DCP has been prepared in collaboration with Wollondilly Shire Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Brett Whitworth, the department’s acting deputy secretary of place and infrastructure in Greater Sydney, says the department is eager to hear what residents want for their neighbourhood.
“We’re planning for well-designed neighbourhoods with outstanding amenity,’’ Mr Whitworth said.
“That’s why we’ve collaborated with Wollondilly Shire Council to develop this draft DCP.
“The DCP provides more detailed planning provisions for residential development within the rezoned South East Wilton and North Wilton Precincts.
“It proposes guidelines to improve productivity, liveability, creativity and sustainability in the growing Wilton area, and to help protect important koala habitat and corridors from development – these are the most comprehensive protection measures for koalas we have seen in a DCP.
“Creating great local places should be at the heart of strategic planning, which is why the draft DCP also requires the preparation of an aptly-named neighbourhood plan.”
Mr Whitworth said the plan will show how the principles of Wilton 2040 and precinct plans will apply in local neighbourhoods in the Wilton Growth Area, and deliver opportunities to achieve the Premier’s Priority to have homes within 10 minutes’ walk of quality green, open and public space.
“The plan will act as an overarching framework for council to steer Wilton’s future growth and development and ensure the right mix of housing types is approved,” he said.
“Infrastructure built alongside new homes will be supported by hundreds of millions of dollars from developers over the next 20 to 30 years, including for road and cycleway improvements, community facilities, and quality open space.”

Mr Whitworth said the principles of the Wilton Green Plan are contained in the draft DCP.
“The focus is on enhancing and increasing the urban tree canopy, to contribute to the cooling of Wilton,” he said.
Mr Whitworth welcomed Wollondilly Council’s in-principle support of the exhibition of the draft Wilton Growth Area DCP.
Like Council, he said the department encouraged residents to have their say at this important stage in the growth of Wollondilly Shire.
“This is all about creating the desired local character for neighbourhoods and governments at local and state level working together to support communities,” he said.
“Community feedback helps us make better and more informed decisions for your area.”
The community is invited to have their say on the Wilton Growth Area Development Control Plan (DCP) until Wednesday, September 18, at: www.planning.nsw.gov.au/wilton