Australia Day is about coming together as a nation and celebrating all the great things about being an “Aussie”.
So says Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor, who will be celebrating on January 26 with the community in the Camden area, regarded by many historians as the birthplace of Australian agriculture.
He will be attending the Camden Council annual official Australia Day awards and citizenship ceremony.
“I always look forward to attending an Australia Day service and seeing everyday Australians being recognised for the wonderful work they do for our communities,” he said.
“One of the greatest things I personally take away from Australia Day is seeing the pride on new citizens’ faces when they can call themselves Australian for the first time.
“This will be the case for the 56 new Australians receiving citizenship at the Camden service.”
Mr Taylor said Australians were defined by their willingness to help each other during tough times.
“Nowhere else in the world do you see this kind of mateship – and we saw this again only a few days ago, when hundreds of volunteers risked their lives to save people and property from the massive grassfires,” he said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“People are always willing to lend a hand, get behind a cause or come together and support one another through the hard times – that is what makes this country great – the people.[/social_quote]
“Whatever way you choose to celebrate this Australia Day, whether it be a barbecue with family, an official service in your community or just sitting back watching the tennis or cricket; the day is about celebrating how incredibly lucky we are to call Australia home, and I think sometimes we need a reminder of that.”
Mr Taylor encourages anyone interested to find out about Australia Day celebrations in their community to contact their local council or to visit the Australia Day website here.