It warms the cockles of my heart seeing such a good start to council election campaigns across our region.
The election is now exactly one month away – it will be held on Saturday, September 14 – but there are good signs we will once have councils that will be relatively stable and that try to do their best for our urban and rural areas.
So far the standout campaign has been by the new independent force created by the amalgamation of Community First and Totally Locally Committed.
While the highlight has been their commitment to bring back the Fisher’s Ghost parade, it’s their long term aim of making council more independent and therefore diluting the power and influence of the major political parties that is resonating in the Campbelltown community.
We don’t know how successful they will be – that’s up to the voters – but full marks for aiming high, Councillors Josh Cotter and Warren Morrison.
While they are running under a new banner to reflect their amalgamation, Community First Totally Independent Party, credit is due to the founders of the two groups.

Community First was established by former councillor and mayor Paul Lake, while Totally Locally Committed was the brainchild of the late Fred Borg.
Times change and Cr Cotter and Cr Morrison have seen a better path forward. For that at least they deserve some consideration.
The other notable aspect of the campaign so far has been candidates from the Greens, Sustainable Australia and Animal Justice Party for the September poll.
In the past 40 years or so just one strong pro environment candidate has been elected to Campbelltown Council each time.
The Animal Justice Party’s Matt Stellino was elected in 2021 and on any objective analysis has done a pretty good job.
Cr Stellino runs his own business and that experience has enabled him to make an even bigger contribution to council.
Could we see three pro environment councillors after September 14? I doubt it very much, but I concede two is possible.
It will be interesting to hear their responses to questions from residents at the Campbelltown election forum on Monday, September 2.
If readers have a question they want asked on the night please email it to erickontos@southwestvoice.com.au
If you wish to attend the forum to hear the candidates, visit https://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/Whats-On/2024-Local-Government-Election-Candidate-Forum
You can also submit questions on the same form.