Up to 40 young people in the South West Sydney region who are at risk or experiencing homelessness will be better supported as they leave out-of-home care as part of the Premier’s Youth Initiative.
The initiative, a project run by the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS), will provide young people leaving out-of-home care with support services including a personal advisor, education and employment mentoring and help in finding long-term accommodation.
NSW Family and Community Services Minister Pru Goward and south west region MP Melanie Gibbons helped to officially launch the Premier’s Youth Initiative at Anglicare in Liverpool last week.
As part of the initial trial, young people will receive support to grow personal support networks and engage with further study and employment.
“We know how important it is to support young people leaving out-of-home care,” Ms Goward said.
“This initiative will help young people transitioning from care to independence.”
State Member for Holsworthy Melanie Gibbons welcomed the announcement as a significant boost for young people in need across South Western Sydney.
“Tackling youth homelessness is a key priority for the premier and our government,’’ she said.
“This initiative will contribute to meeting the Premier’s Priority target of increasing the number of young people moving from specialist homelessness services to long term accommodation,” Ms Gibbons said.
“Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT will lead the delivery of this initiative in South West Sydney, which is a great result for all local communities within the FACS district.”
The NSW Government has committed $1.8 million over the next four years to support the rollout of the initiative across the South Western Sydney FACS District.