Investigations are under way for the potential widening of Heathcote Road at Moorebank to two lanes in each direction.
Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay and member for Menai Melanie Gibbons have announced details of the process.
“Heathcote Road is a major arterial road providing access from Liverpool to Wollongong for local and commercial traffic including to the Department of Defence at Holsworthy,” Minister Gay said.
“We are investigating the section of Heathcote Road between the Moorebank Sports Club and Pleasure Point.
“The NSW Government has provided $100,000 toward the investigations, which will include the potential duplication of three existing bridges across Williams Creek, the railway line and Harris Creek.’’
Ms Gibbons said improving access for pedestrians and cyclists was also being assessed as part of the study.
“Early investigations will continue until the end of the year into flora and fauna in the area, underground utilities and traffic movements,” Ms Gibbons said.
“The results will inform an early concept design, environmental assessment and cost estimate for the upgrade.
“The project aims to also support the $19 million project under way to replace the Deadmans Creek Bridge at Sandy Point, which aims to improve safety for all road users, including heavy vehicles.
“Early work to build the new two-lane, 12.6-metre wide bridge has been under way since July with the replacement bridge set to open in early 2016,” Ms Gibbons said.