Wollondilly was first cab off the rank last night in electing its mayor for the next two years.
The vote saw Judith Hannan elected, while her deputy will be Picton IGA owner Robert Khan.
Former mayor Michael Banasik told the South West Voice that he expected councillors elected at the September 10 poll to work together for the good of Wollondilly.
“It’s a really good group and I think they will work co-operatively,’’ he said.
Tonight Camden and Campbelltown also meet to elect new leaders for the next two years.
The result in Campbelltown is a foregone conclusion, with Labor leader George Brticevic set to get the nod.
At the September 10 election Labor won seven seats on the 15 member council and would expect to be rewarded with the deputy mayor’s post as well.
But the most fascinating mayoral contest will be played out at the new Oran Park headquarters of Camden Council.
Mt Annan butcher Robert Mills and independent Eva Campbell hold the balance of power in the new council, which include four Liberal Party and three Labor Party councillors.
Cr Campbell is expected to support the Labor Party in the mayoral stakes, leaving the popular butcher as the deciding factor in such a knife edge contest.
If Cr Mills wants to be mayor for at least two years he will have to do a deal with one of the political parties.

Then it will just be a matter of who goes first in the two year mayoral term.
North of the Macarthur border, at Liverpool, Labor veteran Wendy Waller won the popular vote for mayor for the next four year term of council.
Ms Waller was mayor during the 2008-11 term of council.
Liverpool will not be the only south west Sydney council to elect its mayor by a popular vote at the 2020 election: Wollondilly Shire residents on September 10 voted yes to a referendum asking if they wanted to have their own popular vote for mayor in four years time.
Luke Johnson, the general manager of Wollondilly Council, said after the September elections: “This is an exciting time to be representing the people of the Shire and together with the wider council team I will be working with the newly elected councillors to advocate for Wollondilly and drive continuous improvements in our economy, tourism, infrastructure and service provision for our current and future communities.
“I would also like to thank our outgoing council.
“It has been an honour to work with them to deliver a range of accomplishments including a refurbished library, a campaign against the Federal Government’s proposal for a second airport in Wilton, working with stakeholders on the Wollondilly Health Alliance, partnering with other councils through the Sydney Peri Urban Network and most recently the relief effort to support those affected by the recent storm event.
“This term also saw the declaration of the Wilton Priority Growth area.
“On behalf of the executive and staff, we look forward to working with the new council over the next four years to deliver a range of key projects and services for the community of Wollondilly,’’ Mr Johnson said.