Special disability accommodation provider Good Housing is on track to deliver its latest project in Macquarie Fields.
The launch of two properties at the one address – Murraya and Macadamia – comes within months of Australia’s largest investigation into the abuse and exploitation of people with disability handed down its findings.
In September this year, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability made 222 recommendations calling for sweeping changes to better the lives of the roughly one-in-five Australians who live with disability.
Good Housing, which develops, builds and operates bespoke homes, was borne out of the need for more dignified dwellings for people with disabilities.
“The report showed approximately 17,000 residents are currently at high risk living in unsuitable group homes across the country. These people not only deserve a place they can be proud to call home, but somewhere tailored to their lifestyles,” says Antony Anisse, Good Housing’s CEO and co-founder.
“Our Macquarie Fields project, and other shared or independent model homes, will be there for those in need.”
Although special disability accommodation demand is high throughout Australia, the need for suitable housing in the Campbelltown region is at critical levels, with more than 185 locals living with extreme disabilities.
A culturally diverse community, the Campbelltown region offers an abundance of vital amenities such as great hospitals, access to an array of disability support services and the region has plenty of potential given the growth in infrastructure and residential housing and its proximity to the new international airport.
Good Housing has partnered up with a local supported independent living provider to offer a tailored approach.

Royal Rehab Group and Breakthru, a leading not-for-profit provider of rehabilitation and disability support services, is coming on board with a solid understanding of what South Western Sydney locals need.
Matt Mackay, CEO of Royal Rehab Group and Breakthru says Good Housing’s contemporary accommodation is a blueprint for the future.
“These homes are a fantastic example of what great supported accommodation should look like. The thoughtful design, advanced technology, and a mix of private and shared spaces play a big role in promoting independence,” he says.
In another collaboration for Good Housing, Angela Henao of Azul Home, has curated unique interiors and styling for the Macquarie Fields project including bespoke tables and lounges offered to tenants as part of Project Good Feeling.
“I like to step away from any hospital or care facility look and work to turn these spaces into a true home for tenants, while still maintaining the high physical support factors which need to be considered. It’s all about creating beautiful, calming and purposeful environments,” she says.
For more information, visit www.goodhousing.com.au