Glen Alpine residents are up in arms over a plan before Campbelltown Council to build four double storey houses on the site of a single home.
The residents argue that subdividing one block to allow four new homes on it will set a bad precedent for the area and ruin the suburb.
Council will make a decision at its next meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 27.
A report to council says the development application for the site on Figtree Crescent is recommended for approval.
But residents want council to reject it, saying that the multi dwelling development being proposed would be “out of character’’ in Glen Alpine.
When the plan was put on public exhibition it received five submissions of objection, including a petition containing 64 signatures of objection from occupants of nearby properties.
Submissions noted that Glen Alpine was originally developed with the premise that housing allotments would be larger than elsewhere and therefore be able to contain larger dwellings.
Submissions also reminded council of a developer covenant on properties within the estate that did not allow for the construction of multi dwelling housing.
“The development will reduce the value of properties within the vicinity,’’ said one submission.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“It will lead the way for more speculators to change the unique character of Glen Alpine from a well organised and desirable place to live to a planning chaos,’’ said another.[/social_quote]
“Glen Alpine is a prestigious location. The medium density development is inappropriate within a low density, privately owned, exclusive enclave,’’ was another submission from concerned residents.
The report to council says “the proposed multi dwelling housing is a permissible land use within the zone.
“The proposal complies with the density requirements including minimum qualifying site area, minimum lot size and maximum floor space ratio.’’
The proposed four lots have an area ranging between 361 and 401 square metres.
The four new homes would be detached from each other. There are three four bedroom dwellings and one three bedroom dwelling being proposed by the developer.
Some residents are also upset that if it goes ahead it will mean the removal of 24 trees, as well as demolition of the current house on the site.
The 24 trees consist of six Bangalow Palm, three Cocos Palm, three Overtop Palm, three Himalayan Cypress, three Mexican Fan Palm, three Chinese Windmill Palm, two Canary Island Date Palm and one Hong Kong Orchid Tree.
“The removal of 24 trees is not an insignificant threat to the wildlife of the area,’ responded one resident.
“The area is a bird sanctuary. The tree removal will disrupt local fauna and contradicts bush care projects that are prevalent within Glen Alpine.’’
Welcome to the world according to the NSW Liberal Party, where local Councils have been stripped of what little power they had and developers can basically do whatever they want.