There’s a few things the new NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian needs to change if she wants the government to survive the next election.
And while there’s no doubt she will be getting plenty of suggestions, out this way we feel there’s one more that the Premier ought to take on board.
Hurlstone Agricultural High School and the farm land around it have been in Campbelltown and the south west region of Sydney for almost 100 years, Premier.
And yet a former education minister decided that all that could be thrown out with the stroke of a pen.
Hurlstone will be relocated to Hawkesbury and the land here at Glenfield will be carved up for housing.
Premier Berejiklian, none of this should be happening.
To all of us who live in the region and who have sent our kids to this great school, this decision has left us dumbfounded.
It’s a decision that beggars belief, Premier.
There is just no need to do it.
Your government is releasing thousands of acres of greenfield land here, which will bring more than half a million more people to live in this area over the next 30 years.
Logically, the government should be adding resources and infrastructure.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]This decision means you’re taking away one of our biggest assets, a champion school academically as well as a big part of our local history.[/social_quote]
Premier, we know the Liberal National coalition government lost the seat of Campbelltown at the 2015 election.
Governments need to govern for all and not just the people who voted for them.
But I’m afraid that’s what your predecessor allowed to happen in the past three years.
A quick look at history will show you, Premier Berejiklian, that a Coalition government in NSW that only governs for the Eastern Suburbs and North Shore of Sydney is a very short term government.
When both Nick Greiner and Barry O’Farrell returned your side of politics back to government in 1988 and 2011 they did it off the back of a commitment to look after everybody in Sydney, including the west and south west.
We don’t ask for much, Premier, just let us keep Hurlstone Agricultural High School here in Campbelltown where it belongs.
Don’t kid yourself. The only people that care about the school’s name are ex students.
Locals can’t just go to Hurlstone, they have to sit an exam to get in, along with all of NSW students.
The school needs to focus on science and engineering in agriculture and you don’t need a farm to do that.
It’s about time that the school keeps up with what is happening around, Glenfield is no longer a farming area, get with the times people!