Four Campbelltown schools have been included in the $8.9 million NSW Government Links to Learning program.
The programs receiving funding are:
Airds High School in partnership with Heaps Decent Ltd;
Campbelltown Performing Arts High School in partnership with MTC Australia;
Ingleburn High School in partnership with UnitingCare Burnside;
Lomandra School in partnership with the Rugby Youth Foundation.
In announcing the grants, the state member for Campbelltown, Mr Bryan Doyle, said schools in the Links to Learning Program partner with community organisations which have expertise in delivering youth engagement programs.
“Students from Campbelltown schools will benefit from the program that aims to encourage every student to make the most of their educational opportunities by completing school,” he said.
“In 2015, 72 programs will be delivered across the State by a total of 46 not-for-profit, community-based organisations
“This is a great chance for schools to partner with community organisations to deliver strong, innovative programs based on identified local needs.
“These partnerships will improve the educational outcomes and bring new opportunities for young people across NSW,” Mr Doyle said.
Meanwhile on another front Mr Doyle welcomed the opening of the new application process for NSW Justices of the Peace.
A three month moratorium was imposed on appointing new JPs in September to allow the NSW Department of Justice to work on a new online register of NSW JPs.
Mr Doyle said, “This new online application makes the whole process simpler and faster.”
“I take great pride in personally meeting with and nominating each prospective Justice of the Peace in Campbelltown,” Mr Doyle said.
For more information about the role of a JP and how to apply, visit: www.jp.nsw.gov.au.