Planning changes coming into effect tomorrow could potentially spark a tourism boom in Picton and the rest of the Wollondilly shire.
The changes mean owners of acreage property such as farmers could diversify into events such as wedding receptions, holiday parks, ecotourism and business conferences.
“This is a huge win for our community, particularly our rural land owners, and means our Shire is open for business”, says Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould.
“We’ve changed our Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan to make it easier for farmers to diversify by complementing their existing businesses and reducing uncertainties in their income.
“The changes support council’s commitment to developing tourism and establishing Wollondilly as a visitor destination.
“They are also about helping local businesses and communities recover from the impacts of drought, the Black Summer fires, recent flood events and the pandemic,” he said.

The changes of Stage 1A of the Local Environment Plan (LEP) review program, an initial stage of amendments to develop and grow the visitor economy in Wollondilly, will mean that:
• Low impact events can now be held without the need for planning approval, as long as specified standards are met.
• There is now a clear planning pathway for events where planning approval is required, making the application process more straightforward for those wanting to host events in the area.
• Function centres are now permissible in rural land use zones and some conservation zones and will support destination weddings, functions and business conferencing.
• It will be easier for a destination holiday park to be established in Wollondilly.
• Markets and eco-tourist facilities are now permissible with consent in rural zones and some conservation zones.
• Artisan food and drink industries are now permissible with consent in rural and business zones.
• There is an expansion to where bee keeping, timber yards and high technology industries are permissible with consent.
The changes come into effect tomorrow, Friday, September 16, 2022. To find out more contact Council on 4677 1100.
So when our neighbour who intends on hosting weddings etc on a property he bought as an investment that is only around 12 acres and sits very close to neighbouring properties runs weddings from it every weekend with live bands and DJs how is that fair to us who want to live in our properties for peace and tranquility after working long tiring hours in the week? We should not have to be burden to this type of approvals they should be left to areas that are more remote and purpose oriented for such facilities. Where have the rights gone for the rest of the street and neighbours in this regard. Well done Wollondilly destroying people’s properties and devaluing them at the same time.