We all have our favourite locations across the South West Sydney region, from Liverpool through Campbelltown, to Camden and Wollondilly.
But if you had to choose three such locations or landmarks, what would they be?
That’s right, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
We may all get some pointers after Camden residents vote for their three favourite landmarks as part of council’s charity fundraiser Monopoly project.
Proceeds from the sale of the game will go to Lifeline Macarthur and Camden Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee.
Camdenites have a choice of close to 60 locations, including the Alan Baker Art Gallery, Belgenny Farm, Cobbitty Markets, Gledswood Homestead, Mater Dei Chapel and – of course – the Australian Botanic Garden at Mt Annan.
The botanic garden would be included in their choice if the other three councils decided to do their own Monopoly edition because it is so strategically located right in the centre of the entire region.
It would almost certainly be one of the choices if Campbelltown and Wollondilly went down to the Monopoly path.

But it’s doubtful they would have as much choice as Camden, which has retained much more of its historic buildings and heritage than any of the other local government areas around here.
As Camden Mayor Theresa Fedeli says: “Camden is one of the most beautiful locations in the country, with so much history and natural beauty.
“With so many deserving landmarks, and so many choices in the poll, it’s so important our residents jump online and vote for the locations that are special to them.
“The locations and landmarks chosen will play a special role in selling the game and we want to raise as much money as we can for these two very deserving organisations.”

But back to Monopoly: Camden residents will also be able to list one of their personal favourites even though it may not be on the official list.
The 22 locations with the most votes will feature on the game.
The aim is to have the Camden Monopoly edition ready for sale leading up to Christmas.
To vote by 5pm on June 21, Camden residents have to go online to surveymonkey.com/r/camdenmonopoly