Labor councillor Nathan Hagarty has called on locals to share their feedback on the State Government’s 30kmh speed limit trial in the Liverpool CBD.
Transport for NSW introduced the reduced 30kmh zone to parts of the Liverpool CBD in July last year as part of a 12 month pilot.
With the first anniversary of the pilot’s introduction fast approaching, Councillor Hagarty has encouraged the community to provide feedback.
“It’s critical that the views of residents and businesses in Liverpool are heard – it can’t be left up to a bunch of transport bureaucrats who couldn’t find Liverpool on a map,’’ Councillor Hagarty said.
With over a thousand people dying annually on Australian roads, Councillor Hagarty is supportive of initiatives that reduce accidents and increase road safety.
“We absolutely must try new approaches to ensure road deaths continue to trend down,’’ he says.
“Any number higher than zero is unacceptable.
“However, if an approach is poorly implemented or not working, it must be reassessed or stopped altogether,’’ he said.
Cr Hagarty, pictured in Elizabeth Street, has recently announced that he will be the Labor candidate for Liverpool mayor at the next local government elections scheduled to be held on Saturday, September 4.
He says Liverpool residents and businesses can provide their views on the 30km/h pilot through the Transport for NSW feedback form at tinyurl.com/30inLivo.
Hate it. Deceptive and poorly sign posted on Bigge St in conjunction with the school zone. A money grab.
The 30km speed zones in the the Liverpool CBD is untenable.
It is causing more accidents than preventing them as people are to busy watching there speed and eyes on the road. I know road safety is important but so is Liverpool city centre economy with the lack of parking and now a 30 km speed limit – why would you shop there.
Plus most people think its just money for the state government. Yes another tax if you live in Liverpool
This is so misleading. I don’t think this is working. It is only collecting revenue.