Local cattle farmers urged to check their animals for bovine fever

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Livestock owners in the outer South West Sydney region have been urged to be on the lookout for the signs of Three Day Sickness in their cattle following a spike in confirmed cases in the area.

Greater Sydney Local Land Services District veterinarian Lisa Goodchild says the cases were likely to be the result of recent rainfall bringing a rise in biting insects known to cause the viral disease.

“Three Day Sickness, otherwise known as Bovine Ephemeral Fever, causes cows to have a fever, lose their appetite, become quite depressed and often reluctant to move,” she said.

“Other signs can include drooling, watery eyes and a nasal discharge.”

Ms Goodchild said the disease could also cause temporary infertility in bulls and abortions in cows.

“Typically affected animals are only sick for a few days however, some animals do take much longer to recover. Death can occur in more serious cases.”

Ms Goodchild said three separate cases had already been confirmed with the likelihood of more to follow.

“Daily monitoring of your herd is particularly important during this time, to ensure you identify any affected cattle and provide timely and suitable treatment and or nursing care,” she said.

A vaccination is also available.

To report sick livestock and for more information contact Greater Sydney Local Land Services on 1300 795 299.

Further information is also available via the NSW DPI BEF fact sheet. 

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